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A settled nomad living on the edge of Appalachia. I love to listen to music, spend time with my family, and play sports. I'm lucky enough to write code for a living. I'm often accused of having no "filter" as I tend to overshare. I make beer on occasion and try to sample new beers whenever I can.$BillRawlinson

FeedList plugin Update

2 min read

I tis a little unusual that I am writing a second blog post about my feedList plugin but I think this one change warrants a second posting just so I know that people are aware of the change.

If you aren't aware feedList is a plugin I wrote for the wordpress blogging platform that lets you pull other feeds (either atom or rss) into your blog's pages, posts, and sidebar. It is pretty flexible and well tested and is widely used around the wordpress blog-o-sphere.

The reason for this post though is that I have moved where I was hosting the plugin from google's code site to the wordpress plugin database. By doing this users will be notified from within their blogs administrative interface when the plugin is updated. However, I messed up a little while adding the plugin to the site so the name changed from Feed List to feedList. This update doesn't really have any effect on the code but rather, just making the end users lives easier when they want to update.

Unfortunately, due to my renaming mistake, you need to download and update your copy manually one time before you get the benefit of this new feature built into wordpress 2.5 that lets you update the plugin via single link click within the administrative interface.

In order to download the plugin just visit this page, then click on the download button. It will come down as a zip file. To install it just copy the feedlist.php file up to your wordpress plugins directory. Your old feedlist file might be called "feedList.php" (notice the capital "L") please delete it before you upload this latest version. Then go into your wordpress admin and make sure the FeedList plugin is activated. I'm really sorry for the inconvienence but hopefully this will make your life easier in the future.

I would have just fixed it in the first place but almost immediately after I uploaded the plugin there it was downloaded by 13 different people. Since they were already using this new system, and had found the plugin via that page I figured it wouldn't be fair to change it on them immediately.

Simply PicasaWeb

3 min read


Make a Donation to Webberful (that's me)
Fill out the form and send me a few dollars for this plugin - I've spent a lot of time creating and supporting it:

How much do you want to donate?

I have created a new wordpress plugin for the picasaweb service offered by Google. PicasaWeb is a free (or paid depending on your needs) service offered by Google that lets you store your photos online. The plugin is very, very, very simple and limited but it works. It will grab the rss feed for your album (or albums) and display the thumbnails linked to the appropriate link. That's it. I leave styling of the images, wrapping in additional html, etc to the end user.


22 Nov 2006
Updated to support new parameters such as size (change the size of your thumbnails that come from google), pass in just a username (instead of the whole URL), or a username and albumid (to easily show thumbnails from a particular album). It is even easier to use now that before!
07 Feb 2007
You can now have the plugin pick one of your albums at random and display images from it.. Just set the showRandomAlbum parameter=true and don't provide a url or albumid (just a username).
16 Feb 2007
added new argument "linkToAlbum" which will force thumbnails to link to their containing album instead of to a full size version of the image.
09 Mar 2007
Google changed their feed format so I had to update to fix it. If you are installing or updating after this date READ the readme.txt IT IS IMPORTANT or else your install won't work.
14 Mar 2007
A big update that deals with the Google feed change. See the readme.pdf file for more info on installation. This version uses a stripped down version of the Zend Framework. Also, make sure you revert back to the old rss.php in your wp-includes directory if you grabbed the 09 Mar 2007 update.
31 Oct 2007
A nice update that removes the Zend framework dependency. A huge thanks to Kiro for his work using lastRSS to handle the google feed. This also fixes a problem where feeds wouldn't load at all because Google changed the path to the album feeds.
08 Nov 2007
Minor update that resolves a FATAL ERROR when activating the plugin on some hosts.
02 Feb 2009
Renamed to Simply Picasaweb. Also added a new feature to let you include thumbnails within a blog posting.
03 Feb 2009
Updated LastRSS to extract some media data; added new option LinkToSourceImage - read the readme.txt for further details; plugin is now available via wordpress plugsin db

I use this plugin on my sites homepage and that is how the thumbnails appear there. If you would like the plugin download it from the wordpress site, unzip it, put the simply-picasaweb directory in your wordpress plugins directory, activate it, and then call the picasaWeb function as shown (see readme.pdf) in your blog template where you want the thumbnails to appear.

Top Categories Plugin

1 min read

I created a new wordpress plugin called Top Categories. You tell it how many of your most frequently posted to categories you want it to show and it will display an unordered list of those categories. It is based off of the Popular Tags plugin by Theron Parlin which was based on the weighted categories plugin by Matt Kingston. Unlike either of those plugins I do not display a tag cloud - but that might be a good option so that this one plugin is a bit more flexible.

You can get this plugin downloading this zip file. Usage is pretty simple:

<?php top_categories(10); ?>

You can replace 10 with any positive number you want. By default top_categories() will show the top ten categories. This plugin may work with wordpress versions before 2.0 - but I haven't tested it.

Spam Karma 2

2 min read

If you are using Spam Karma 2.2 or above you shouldn't need this plugin.

In my never ending fight against comment spam on this blog I have installed a few different plugins. The most recent is Spam Karma 2 written by a guy dubbed "Dr. Dave". It is pretty cool and extensible. That means if you want you can add your own plugins to the plugin to help fight the types of spam you are seeing. For instance my blog has been getting a bunch of anonymous posts with no content - to me that is spam. So, I cranked out a very simple, and easy Spam Karma plugin titled "Blank Comment Detector". If your using Spam Karma 2 then feel free to grab my plugin.

Download the Blank Comment Detector Spam Karma 2 Plugin

To use the plugin just drop it in your SK2/sk2_plugins directory, go to your Spam Karma 2 general settings page and hit save. That is about it.

Boy, I stink. I had to update the plugin already. I didn't realize i wasn't providing a log message for why the comment was getting hit as spam. So now the plugin logs its action properly. Just redownload from the provided link and all will be right with your installation.

feedList Plugin

3 min read

Comments on this post are open closed (too much spam) but you can should leave questions or talk about the plugin at the google group or if you have a problem/feature request you can submit a new issue at my issue tracker.

Make a Donation to Webberful (that's me)
Fill out the form and send me a few dollars for this plugin - I've spent a lot of time creating and supporting it:

How much do you want to donate? $

I have discontinued rssLinkList and now only support feedList. If you have wordpress 1.5+ you can use the older rssLInkList plugin but feedList is better. First off installation is much easier and it supports ATOM and RSS feeds (hence the name change) whereas rssLinkList only supports, you guessed it, RSS feeds. It is the version I am currently using on this site. The stuff rssLinkList did is done and it works better in feedList because I fixed some bugs during the conversion (bugs that were never fixed in rssLinkedList

One major change other than the support for ATOM feeds is that you no longer need a cache directory. Wordpress, with its built in MAGPIE support, stores the cache internally so you don't need to manage it anymore. Wordpress stores the cache in the Database.

The download (follow the corresponding link above) is a zip file and contains the plugin file(s) and a readme.txt file. Please, pretty please, read that file. The readme.txt file explains how to install the plugin (pretty simple for both) and explains what all the different options are for and what they will do. Over the months that this plugin has existed it's functionality and flexibility has expanded ALOT so there are a bunch of settings to pay attention to.

If you are upgrading from rssLinkList to feedList - don't worry, your old feed calls will still work. There are just now some new "wrapper" methods that called "feedList" to make for a more seemless experince for new users. You can use either the old function name or the new one.

I took down most of the "support text" in this blog post so that I don't have to maintain it both here and in the readme.txt file. Please make sure you read that file before you ask for help. I help everyone that asks but most of the time the solution is in the readme.txt file. Thanks

If you feel weird about donating money you can always buy me a cheap item on my wish list :O) Hey, I'm not too proud to beg :O)

If you have a question or a feature request please check the feedList FAQ first.

I have setup a google group at for all future comments/suggestions/questions about feedList/rssLinkList. More importantly I have a issue tracker setup at where you can report problems and request new features. Please take advantage of these new tools to help make feedList everything you need it to be.

If, for some reason, your feed isn't showing, please check the troubleshooting section of the readme.txt file! It is the last section of the file and may very well fix your problem. Thanks