Link: Unforeseen difficulties.
Pretty good graphic description of the differences between Prayer and Science
1 min read
Link: Unforeseen difficulties.
Pretty good graphic description of the differences between Prayer and Science
1 min read
Link: How to Identify a True Christian?
Turns out this comic is concerning some parts of the book of Mark that are generally considered, by Biblical Scholars, as unauthentic and usually isn’t even found in the Bible.
1 min read
Link: Some Super Heroes Keep Their Powers Secret
This is a funny comic about super heroes and the secret super powers.
1 min read
Link: Who always profits and never lays off? Honda That's Who.
Maybe if US automakers took a serious look at how Honda does it’s thing they wouldn’t feel the need to beg for a government handout.
1 min read
Link: Army, Flag, and Cross Reverie on a Ribbon
This article helped me better understand some of the phenomena I have noticed but not quite been able to put my finger on.
As a Veteran it has often bothered me to see all soldiers labeled as “heroes” but the public. Nobody in my unit did anything worthy of the heroic accolade; yet we were given it. Why? I think Mr. Gallagher in this article explains America’s Romanticism fairly well.
1 min read
Link: Commentary: GOP should ask why U.S. is on the wrong track -
Ron Paul spends some time explaining how the Republican party can bounce back; but only by focusing the parties roots and not on gimmicks.
1 min read
Link: What's Wrong with Our Economy? Its the Dollar.
This guy does a pretty good job of describing what has happened to the dollar since 1913 and why it has a direct effect on you.