Today is Shannon's first day of kindergarten. She is attending Our Lady of Fatima Catholic School right here in Huntington. Over the previous two days I spent about 6 hours at the school for various orientation activities. Monday was a kindergarten orientation for parents only. Yesterday was the whole school's orientation for students and parents; Shannon and I were there for about 3-4 hours. We signed up for some volunteer activities, she met her teachers, got used to her classroom, setup her wall-locker and her desk, and met some of her classmates. With all of this already under her belt it was no wonder that this morning, once she arrived, she was basically pushing Lisa out the door with goodbyes so she could get to business. Lisa, undoubtedly, was more distraught than Shannon was about this milestone in her young life. In commemoration Lisa took some photo's which I have uploaded for your viewing pleasure.