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Media Monkey Scripts

3 min read

I have been using MediaMonkey as my main music player/manager for the past couple months and I really like it. It has a bunch of nifty features but I'm only going to talk about one here; you can extend it's functionality via custom scripts. Because I like some uniformity in things I have written two scripts to help me out and I figured I would put them here for others to use if they want.

Personally, I like having all of my songs at the same bit-rate (128) because I can't tell the difference between 128 and anything higher anyway. I also like to use the "audio-leveling" feature in Media Monkey so that I don't have one really quiet song that I end up turning up only to be deafened on the next song which is screaming at me. To help me identify the songs that need to have their volume analyzed (stores a setting in the song on how to level it) I wrote my first script called "Unleveled" which adds a new menu node under the main node "Files to Edit".

I also use (to keep track of my listening habits and so others can see what I'm listening too). However, it turns out you can't have any parentheses in your song titles (round parentheses like those that wrap this aside). So I wrote another script to replace all the round parentheses with square brackets [like this] in titles of songs. It's called LastFMfix To use it I do a quick search to get all the songs with a round parentheses in the title then run the script which appears under "Tools ->Scripts".

I doubt many people will need either script - but perhaps the way I implemented them will help others who are trying to write their own scripts. Disclaimer I am not a VB coder normally. In fact I almost never use VB but these scripts were pretty darn easy to write.

Here is how to install the scripts:


This one is really easy. Unzip the file into the program files/mediamonkey/scripts/auto directory.

Fix for

This one is a bit trickier. First unzip the file into the program files/mediamonkey/scripts directory. Then you have to edit the file Scripts.ini (found in the same directory) and add the following chunk of text just before you see the text [AdvancedReport]:

DisplayName=&Fix title for
Description=Fixes titles for