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Winter Wonderland

1 min read

Shannon throwing a snowballToday we woke up to a wintery scene thanks to our first real snowfall of the year (some actually stuck) it's still snowing very lightly and it is cold outside so hopefully it will continue to accumulate. Shannon and Emily were both pretty excited about it (all 1-2 inches on the ground) so we bundled up and headed out for a small snowball fight before I had to leave for work. Shannon is on a 2 hour delay for school today so it worked out perfectly for us to go out and play.

Shannon had fun running around and tossing snowballs but Emily was less than impressed. She basically just stood in place looking cute, but cold. She wouldn't even walk into the snow until I carried her across the border between sidewalk and grass. She tried to pick up snow but it made the outside of her glove wet (something she apparently dislikes) so that was the end of that.

There are three photos up of them playing in the snow.