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Comments Reopened

1 min read

I have switched my commenting system from the native wordpress solution to one provided by Disqus. Hopefully I won't regret it. There are a lot of benefits to everyone that their comments are stored this way though to most of my blog readers they are pretty trivial benefits that you might not care about at all. However, here is a short rundown.

  1. You now have ownership of your comments. They aren't stored on my server anymore and you can manage your own comments via disqus (you'll just need an account there and then you'll need to claim some comments here as yours.
  2. You can aggregate your conversations from around the web. Sites like friendfeed can pull all of your disqus comments into one place and you can participate in many conversations without having to visit every page where you left a comment.
  3. Less spam? Well this is the hope. We shall see.

Ok so that isn't really "a lot" of benefits but it's a few so be happy with with little I can offer - OK?