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My Blog is a Mess

2 min read

The other day Posterous announced they were bought by Twitter.  At first I was pretty laissez faire about it but then I started to worry if maybe posterous was going to die since the purchase was probably a talent grab as opposed to a technology one.  Once I started thinking about the chance that posterous would go away I started to think about how I would handle that move.

Thus I setup a new blog blogger and configured posterous to push anything I post on it to the blogger blog.  I also set it up to post a copy on my old wordpress blog.  I also did full import of my old wordpress blog into the new blogger blog (less comments).  Thus, I'm theoretically ready for a move.

The problem is I don't really like blogger that much and there were reasons I stopped hosting my own wordpress blog.  Thus, even though I've got a couple backup plans I'm not really happy with the scenario at all.  What to do?

I guess I could move to tumblr - but I wasn't a huge fan of it when I used it either.  What other services are out there?  I realize self-hosting is the safest bet but no matter what platform I self host I will still have to deal with the reality that the server I'm on seems to go through serious bouts of performance anxiety.  Thus I'm kind of in limbo.

Does anyone want to offer up some suggestions?