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Thursday and Friday Workouts

2 min read

I am not doing nearly as good of a job of logging these as I wanted to.

Thursday, May 14 2015

14 minutes do as many sets as you can; I think I did three sets

  • 50 double unders. This is a jump rope thing where the rope goes under your feet twice on each jump. I am not good at getting this rhythm yet so it is particularly hard and time consuming for me so I did a bunch of double unders and regular jumps for a few minutes then went to the second exercise. Othewise I might have spent the entire 14 minutes on the first set of double unders.
  • 25 Wallballs - I used the 12 pound ball.

After that we did a "fast mile" run. My fast mile was 6:57 or so - not very fast. Here is the garmin data

Friday, May 15 2015

Fridays are our run day so we run before we workout. Today we did a workout Mark calls "the bitch" because he knows people will be complaining. It is an interval run where the amount of sprint time increases but the rest time between sprints stays at 30 seconds. Marks watch had some problems early on though so we had one extra long rest. Here is the garmin data.

Then we went to class and did the following:

  • 3 hang clean into squat (95 lbs)
  • 25 situps

Increment hang clean by one each set until you complete a set with 10 hang cleans. Because we got to class late and I'm slow I only finished the 7 hang cleans set.

Hold a high-plank (arms fully extended) for time. I made it to about 3 minutes. Overall it was a good workout after a crappy nights sleep. Without it I'd be dead and useless at work today.