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Site Updated

1 min read

I recently updated my site but forgot to turn on my subscriber plugin. Because of that the last few blog updates have not been sent out. Thus, I am posting this one with links to each of the stories there were overlooked just in case some of my subscribers are interested.

FeedList plugin Update

2 min read

I tis a little unusual that I am writing a second blog post about my feedList plugin but I think this one change warrants a second posting just so I know that people are aware of the change.

If you aren't aware feedList is a plugin I wrote for the wordpress blogging platform that lets you pull other feeds (either atom or rss) into your blog's pages, posts, and sidebar. It is pretty flexible and well tested and is widely used around the wordpress blog-o-sphere.

The reason for this post though is that I have moved where I was hosting the plugin from google's code site to the wordpress plugin database. By doing this users will be notified from within their blogs administrative interface when the plugin is updated. However, I messed up a little while adding the plugin to the site so the name changed from Feed List to feedList. This update doesn't really have any effect on the code but rather, just making the end users lives easier when they want to update.

Unfortunately, due to my renaming mistake, you need to download and update your copy manually one time before you get the benefit of this new feature built into wordpress 2.5 that lets you update the plugin via single link click within the administrative interface.

In order to download the plugin just visit this page, then click on the download button. It will come down as a zip file. To install it just copy the feedlist.php file up to your wordpress plugins directory. Your old feedlist file might be called "feedList.php" (notice the capital "L") please delete it before you upload this latest version. Then go into your wordpress admin and make sure the FeedList plugin is activated. I'm really sorry for the inconvienence but hopefully this will make your life easier in the future.

I would have just fixed it in the first place but almost immediately after I uploaded the plugin there it was downloaded by 13 different people. Since they were already using this new system, and had found the plugin via that page I figured it wouldn't be fair to change it on them immediately.

Minor Blog Tweak

2 min read

I just made a really small tweak to my blog which will hopefully help alleviate some confusion to the readers of this blog. Basically, on each posts page the date of the post wasn't shown until the very end - thus people have come to the blog and commented on some pretty old articles without realizing how old they are. Now, I don't want to stop people from commenting on these entries but, instead, I just want them to have a better context for the initial posting.

Now, on each page, just under the post title you will see the date of the post. You will still see it listed at the end of the post where it has always been but perhaps nobody even knew the date of the post was down there before! I hope this helps people who are viewing the blog.

I am also considering changing the blog's theme completely. The site has had it's current look and feel for a couple years and I am tempted to refresh it. If there are aspects of the current layout and color scheme you don't like (or things you do like) please let me know so, if I do update it, I can take your concerns and likes into consideration. Thanks.

Minor Change to Site

1 min read

I have added a small new feature to the site. Now, when you are done reading a post you will notice "Similar Posts" section to the bottom right. I am basically using a plugin for the site that tries to analyze the words in the current post with all the other posts and then determine which posts are the most similar. Hopefully it will help people find some other content on the site that they think is interesting.

Site has Moved

1 min read

OK, so you probably didn't notice - nobody really should have - but my web host is changing hardware and I got the "golden ticket" for the upgrade so I took advantage of it so now the we are on a newer, supposedly faster, and more stable server.

Enjoy having your occasional dosage of Rawlinson news delivered in a more convenient and speedy fashion.

My Daemon - Help Me With It

1 min read

I haven't seen the movie The Golden Compass yet but their website has this neat tool that pairs you with some kind of animal spirit called a daemon (pronounced just like demon). In the fantasy world the movie is based on each person is split into a physical form and a spiritual form - their human body is the physical and the animal is their spiritual half. On the website they have a 20 question personality quiz that they use to match you up with a Daemon. My daemon is currently a female lion (daemons are almost always opposite gender to the physical half) named Theonella.

However, it is possible I don't really know myself as well as my friends and family do. So they have this add-on questionaire that you guys can answer to help better identify my daemon. So, if you don't mind please just answer these quick questions and we will see how it ends up. We only have 12 days to further refine my daemon before it is finalized so please just take a moment now to complete it. Thanks

My Blog is Back

1 min read

My blog was having some problems - specifically it was dead. I had tried to upgrade recently and just assumed the upload worked OK - but it turned out that I was out of disk space on my server and so only some of the new files uploaded. The failed upload caused the blog to completely die when you tried to load it. Like a bad shepherd I didn't really come back to look at blog to make sure it all worked OK until this past Friday. That means the blog was probably down for about 2 weeks. Eghads! Well it is back up and running now so and I apologize to anyone who came here looking for something (most likely feedList); it is all available again.

Breast Cancer Fund Raising

1 min read

Last month, when I turned the site Pink, I promised to donate any money I earned via adsense to the Susan Komen foundation. I knew it wouldn't be much money, this is a pretty personal site so I don't get many visitors, but I figured anything helps right? Well, it turns out I made just over $15 so I'll almost double it and donate $30 to the foundation. Thanks to everyone who visited the site in the past month!

Fashionably Late in Pink

1 min read

I was sleeping when October rolled around this year but my site is again pink for Breast Cancer Awareness month and, just like last year, I will donate all of my Ad Sense proceeds for the month from this site to the Komen foundation (unless someone suggests a better Breast Cancer group). So keep the survivors (and those who have lost their battles) in your hearts and minds. While your at it, if you can, go pink for the month with me to support those who are still fighting.

Site Reorganization

2 min read

I have reorganized the front page of the site a little bit. Hopefully it will help you find the content of the site a little quicker. Overall this is a pretty minor change but I figured I would let you know about it and then you could tell me what you think. With that said here is a quick rundown of the changes.

Main Menu
  • Removed the "lootly"link. That was there just for me anyway so it was just cluttering it for everyone else.
  • Retitled "Posts" to "Archives" for consistency on the site (I called it Archives everywhere else already
  • Moved plugins, wishlists, and FAQ to follow Archives as they are all content within this site
  • Put dividers between FAQ and Subscribe and Subscribe and About me to differentiate the types of links
  • Isolated "Subscribe" so people could figure out how to get on the sites mailing list more easily.
  • Put About Me, Photos, Timeline, and Lifestream together. These are all special content that deals with me, and the family, on a more personal level so I grouped them as such.

The bottom lists
  • I moved "Recent Music" and "Netflix Queue" to the right
  • I removed "Ebay Listings", "Photos", and "Things I want to Do" as they weren't as compelling. I actually liked the photos but they took up too much space.
  • Added "My Tech Blog" and "Newsvine" to the left. These are both other places where I write "articles" and have my own original content. Some of the Newsvine stuff duplicates what I write here but some of it is actually unique to that site specifically. "My Tech Blog" has all my technical writing that some of you may find boring so I have it segregated over to there.
  • I brought back the search box to the center so you can find an article you may be looking for.

Hopefully these changes help you and aren't a negative impact on your experience with the site. If there is something you would rather not be there and instead one of the things I removed brought back, or something else entirely just let me know. Thanks for reading my blog!

I am aware I misspelled the title of this post originally. Perhaps I should do a spell check in the future! The url of the post shows my initial mistake for posterity sake.